Detox & Weight Loss
Discovering the optimal detoxification method for your body is a crucial aspect of good health and key for sustainable weight loss.
It’s impossible to keep harmful toxins out of your body since our environment including farming lands, food, water, and air contain a high level of pollutants due to industrialization.
Fortunately, when it comes to naturally-occurring toxins, your body can take steps to keep itself clean and you can give you body a helping hand. However, when it comes to man-made chemicals, there are far fewer processes in place to protect against them and deeper detox is necessary.
As toxin levels build up to a critical mass inside your body, you may experience fatigue, headaches, brain fog, weight gain and more.
Failing to eliminate high levels of toxins can also lead to a number of serious illnesses that affect hormone balance, digestion, joint health, and proper mental function. Oftentimes, people dealing with these ailments will turn to medications for a solution which increases their toxic load along with unwanted side effects.
At Revitalize Wellness Center , we offer a number of advanced treatment and laboratory testing methods to identify optimal detoxification options for our patients based on their specific results.
Our goal is to unlock health for patients by giving them cleansing strategies to rid their bodies of dangerous toxins and promote healthy diet and lifestyle methods that they can use for a lifetime. By identifying detox solutions that include nutrient recommendations and diet changes, our team will work to alleviate toxicity in a safe and effective manner.
In addition to feeling better, regular detox can slow the aging process, protect against chronic illness, improve skin tone, and aid in easier weight loss as well as the curing of chronic health problems.